For you, My won…

For you, My wonderful hubby!  Thank you so much for all the loving hard work you put into making our house and family a truly blessed “Home, sweet home”.  Obviously if God were not in the center of it all the trials would be much more difficult to manage.  The way you mold and protect our children, watch out for Chimina’s (oldest child, not her real name) innocence now that she is older and playing with friends who are exposed to more of the challenging parts of life, the way you are you.  And as a husband, you protect me too.  It is so refreshing to have someone want to make everything okay, who actually listens, who lets me cry, and who trusts me enough to cry to me.  

You are a gift  to me, and when I struggle with sharing you with your fans or the Church (Catholic) these wonderful caring gifts you possess and freely share remind me that yes, indeed, it is safe to share you because the world needs more men to set the example you set, to be vulnerable, to sin and seek forgiveness, to admit your mistakes, to celebrate your joys and successes, to honor and worship God without timidity.  Indeed, you are one of the greatest blessings God has given to me.

One thought on “For you, My won…

  1. Wow honey! I’m totally touch and moved your heartfelt emotionally to robust words. Typing on my pad “Armando style” one letter one finger at a time, song ideas are already coming to me. Your eloquence just captures me. Don’t think a song could do it justice. I love your style, most of all I love you…siempre! Armando

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