My little boy, my little joy

My oldest son, I wish that I did not have to go to work either.  I wish that I could have stayed and held you as long as you needed this morning before I left.  Your begging and saying “please” so nicely made me so proud of you!  You will have a nice day with daddy, but I do have to say that I love the fact that you do miss me when I’m gone since you don’t want any kisses from me when I get home (you’re such a little boy!)

While I’m taking care of other parents’ children when they are working, I am missing you, thinking of you, longing to hold you in my arms.  But you are safe being cared for by your daddy, the best husband, boyfriend, and friend I could have ever met, and the best father to my children, the best father to you. 

Until dinner time, when you tell me all about your day and then get out of your seat to come to me to whisper something that I cannot hear, I hope you have fun learning and playing.Image